In some cases a dog will lick obsessively simply because they re bored.
Why do dogs lick carpet after eating.
Indeed when dogs have an upset stomach their instinct is to eat grass so they can induce themselves to vomit but in a domestic setting at home there s no grass to eat so the dog reaches out for the carpet or anything else in reach.
The size and health status of your dog also factors into the issue.
On the other hand dogs that constantly lick the carpet or floor are at an increased risk for gobbling up something dangerous.
Your dog may lick up enough fibers to clog up her digestive tract or she may lap up dangerous substances which can cause her to fall ill.
Giardiasis is a condition caused by a parasite that infects the intestinal tract.
Dog licking the carpet one possible explanation for this behavior is that the dog has a digestive problem.
Some dogs chew up shoes and furniture and you ll find some dogs licking carpet or other areas.
Keep in mind a dog licking obsessively isn t necessarily a definitive sign of one of these problems but it s worth keeping in mind.
A few reasons why your dog might be bored include lack of physical or mental stimulation.
Here s some additional information on health issues that could cause dogs to lick the carpet.