As the industrial revolution was in the full swing some products were more readily available to people than before.
Why was the carpet sweeper invented.
The base of the box has rollers and brushes connected by a belt or gears.
Carpets were harder to clean than bare floors and people tried to devise easier methods for their cleaning.
A carpet sweeper typically consists of a small box.
Daniel hess inventor of carpet sweeper.
One of those products was carpet.
Unfortunately he didn t have many other options because standard vacuum cleaners at the time were large unwieldy affairs pulled by horses and not exactly conducive to indoor cleaning.
There is also a container for dirt.
The carpet sweeper he used on the job was making him cough a lot and this was dangerous because spangler was an asthmatic.
The bissell corporation is named after him.
However they continue to be used in many home and commercial applications because they are lightweight and quiet enabling users to quickly clean small messes up from the floor without disturbing patrons patients babies.
Melville reuben bissell september 25 1843 march 15 1889 was an american entrepreneur who invented the modern carpet sweeper.
Inventor of a carpet sweeper was one melville r.
A carpet sweeper is a mechanical device for the cleaning of carpets they were popular before the introduction of the vacuum cleaner and have been largely superseded by them.
He and his wife anna held a small crockery shop and because crockery tableware is packed in wooden boxes and sawdust their show always had sawdust that had to be cleaned at the end of the work day.
A carpet sweeper is a mechanical device for the cleaning of carpets.