Limited to span in inches divided by 360.
Wood beam span table roof.
Also available for the android os.
Raised wood floor foundations.
The tables below give maximum spans for rafters and beams.
Span calculator for wood joists and rafters also available for the android os.
Deflection for 30 psf live load.
Our floor joist span tables are based on loadings given in the newer amended version of bs 6399 1.
The figures are based on quality materials.
Use the span tables below to determine allowable lengths of joists and rafters based on size and standard design loads.
You can also use the wood beam calculator from the american wood council website to determine maximum rafter and joist lengths.
Tables providing size selections for various beam spans and loading combinations for southern pine dimension lumber and southern pine glued laminated timber are available for the following applications.
Strength live load of 30 psf plus dead load of 10 psf determines the required bending design value.
Span tables for jois ts and rafters american wood council 4 span tables for joists and rafters american wood council design criteria.
For lesser grades spans should be shorter.
Span tables for domestic floor joists to bs 5268 7 1 note.